
Stork Baby Gift Baskets has been known to donate to national children's charities over the years.  We've given gift baskets, children's products and food to local worthy causes in need as well.  We believe it's important to give back to the community and want to do our part whenever possible to ensure the happiness and well being of babies and children.

We've compiled a list of some of our favorite children's charites that are devoted to helping them throughout the United States as well as around the world. If your searching for a charity that will benefit not only children but their families too, we hope you find this list helpful.

Project Night Night: A charity in New York City devoted to providing nighttime comforts for homeless children by offering a plush toy, book and blanket in a canvas tote bag.

Save the Children: A worldwide leading independent organization devoted to helping children and their familes help themselves. When disaster strikes an area, Save the Children provides food, medical care, and education and helps to rebuild communities.

The Child Health Site: A site devoted to helping children by providing health care. You can help with out having to donate money. Click on the site and sponsors and advertisers will donate for you. You can donate more by purchasing items from their store.

United Nations Children’s Funds: A world wide organization that deals in all areas of child welfare but focuses on aids, hunger and disease around the globe.

The Homeless Prenatal Group: Out of San Francisco, CA, this organization works with homeless pregnant moms and focuses on a healthy pregnancy and birth as well as bonding between mother and child, ensuring the child’s development through motivation and knowledge of the parents and establishing economic sufficiency through resources, education, training and more.

The Children’s Health Fund: A nationwide organization committed to providing healthcare for all underprivileged children.

Newborns in Need: A worldwide effort to help needy newborns by providing blankets, food, shelter and more basic necessities during the first few weeks of life.

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