Luxury Rose Baby Clothes Bouquet - SKU: LBG1047

$ 185.00

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Delight them and their sweet baby boy or girl in luxury with our Rose Baby Clothes Bouquet. Made from 100% cotton, this stunning bouquet features garments interspersed with velvet leaves, silk foliage, and silk roses - a lasting keepsake for the new parents. With a delicate touch of elegance, this is the perfect gift for any new baby and parent.  Arrives in a beautiful presentation box.  All clothing is sized 0-6 mos.

  • 1 white hat
  • 1 white long sleeved sleepsuit
  • 4 white pairs of socks
  • 1 white bodysuit
  • 2 white baby bib
  • 1 white burp cloth
  • 1 white pair of scratch mittens
  • Gift Card
  • Presentation Box

*This item is beautifully wrapped and ready for giving.


Add Additional Gifts - This offer is for this product only.

Make your gift extra special by including any of the following gifts to your purchase!  All items are featured above in our photo reel.

* Big Brother, Big Sister Teddy Bears and Sibling T-Shirts are a great way of including the new big sister or big brother in the celebration of the new addition to their family!  Current sizes available are offered.  Add Sibling Name for Free.

Photos may show items that are seasonal or no longer available. We reserve the right to replace items with another of equal or greater value based on availability. Ribbon colors may vary. Prints and patterns may vary.

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