Three tips for practicing co-sleeping with your baby

Posted on 25 June 2012

Early in May, Time Magazine came out with an article that seemed to make headlines everywhere. On the cover was an attractive young mom in her mid-20s breastfeeding her three-year-old son. The provocative picture was used as part of an article on attachment parenting, a style of child rearing that favors, among many things, co-sleeping.

Now, to some people, sleeping in the same bed as your baby and partner may seem strange. However, co-sleeping is said to help strengthen the bond between the parents and little ones and even help them sleep better.

If you and your partner choose to share a bed with your baby, it's a good idea to take some safety precautions, according to

1) Move the mattress

Take the mattress off the bed frame and place it on the floor. It's also a good idea to put pillows around the edge so that your little one doesn't fall.

2) Move all blankets

If your son or daughter is under six months old, move all pillows and blankets away from his or her little body, especially the mouth area. If your baby's face is buried in them when sleeping, it could pose a suffocation hazard.

3) Just say no

Do not drink alcohol, take any medication or smoke near a baby under 12 months old. It's also important to make sure older brothers and sisters don't sleep in the same bed that you and your partner are sharing with an infant. These behaviors have been known to be causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as SIDS.

If you have questions, it's always a good idea to do some research, talk to parents who have practiced co-sleeping and speak with your doctor. He or she can give your some more tips on how to get a good and safe night sleep for you and your baby.

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