Pregnancy myths debunked

Posted on 24 May 2012

When expecting, mommies-to-be are bound to do loads of research that will give them some insight into how their bodies will change. For instance, they may look for information on what cravings they may experience and how they can manage the mood swings they may have. But, in the midst of all those facts, women are bound to come across old information that isn't quite accurate.

That's why, compiled a list of some of the most popular old wives' tales pregnant women will undoubtedly read when researching what to expect when during those nine months.

The first myth women will hear is that all expecting mommies will glow during their pregnancy. said that this is likely due to a increase in blood volume circulating through their bodies. But, with this nice shine can come other skin conditions that aren't so welcome. Acne, skin tags and moles are common during pregnancy.

The good news is that, according to the website, most of these often unsightly conditions go away after the baby is born when hormones levels return back to normal.

Another myth that many expecting moms wish was true is that morning sickness goes away after the first trimester. Although this may be the case sometimes, revealed that morning sickness can last throughout a pregnancy.

In fact, morning sickness can be an indicator of a healthy pregnancy, according to Sharon Phelan, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Alabama, who spoke to the website. She said that the nausea and vomiting are a testament to high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone made by the placenta that keeps a pregnancy on course.

So whether mommies are craving pickles with ice cream or experiencing nausea into their third semester, it is important to remember that all pregnancies are not the same. Before labeling something as "abnormal" or even "normal," expecting mothers should first consult their doctor.

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